Traditionsenligt bjuder vi in till World day of Psychosynthesis som vi arrangerar tilsammans med Psychosyntesförbundet för femte året i rad! Nytt för i år är att EPA, the European Psychosynthesis Association, har anslutit.
Återigen skapar vi ett ypperligt tillfälle att dela vårt intresse för psykosyntesen över gränser tillsammans med kollegor från hela världen. Vi kommer dela denna inbjudan i samtliga kanaler och ni är varmt välkomna att göra detsamma!
Under konferensen i Taormina 2016 föddes idén om en världsdag för psykosyntesen och målet med dagen beskrevs såhär:
”The goal of The World day of Psychosynthesis is to encourage a greater connection and a true mutual recognition among all centers, groups and individuals in the world that will resonate with the message and nature of Psycho-synthesis. During this meeting we will reflect and meditate together on the guidelines that can inspire us to foster this process of synthesis. We will also reflect on the vision and spirit of psychosynthesis as proposed by Roberto Assagioli: a vision that today reveals its incredible and surprising topicality and from which we can draw precious indications to orient ourselves in these challenging pandemic times.”
As you know we’ve co-arranged a celebration of World Day of Psychosynthesis with Psykosyntesförbundet for the past four years. We are happy to announce that this year we’ve been joined by EPA. Our hope is that together we can create an even greater connection and true mutual recognition among all centers, groups and individuals in the world that resonate with the message and nature of Psychosynthesis, in accordance with the goals set out in the initial aim of this day!
It is our great joy and honour to announce that this year’s speakers will be no other than Piero Ferrucci and Thomas Yeomans. And the topic for the conversation will be ”A transpersonal perspective on psychosynthesis”. A topic more relevant than ever in a world that are going through rapid transformation and where we see a growing interest in the topic of the transpersonal.
Date: 20 September 2021
Register to event: LINK
Event schedule
04:45pm coffee room – an opportunity to connect with other participants in break out rooms
05:15pm Welcome – The EPA, Psykosyntesföreningen & Psykosyntesförbundet welcomes everyone!
5.30 pm Meditation – Ann-Marie Lamb leads us all in Roberto Assagioli’s ’World Meditation’
06.00pm Conversation – Piero Ferrucci & Thomas Yeomans converse on the topic of A Transpersonal perspective on Psychosynthesis
07.30pm End of event
We wish you all a very warm welcome!